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Rare Earth Elements (REEs) Purification Processes.

Rare Earth Elements (REEs) Purification Processes.

Different separation techniques such

Rare Earth Elements (REEs) Purification Processes.

Different separation techniques such as solvent extraction, ion exchange, and precipitation are often used for recovery of rare earth elements (REEs) from pregnant leach solutions obtained from acid leaching. Solvent extraction is generally accepted as the most appropriate commercial technology for separating REEs due to the need to be able to handle larger volumes of diluted pregnant solutions. This study focused on the development of selective separation of light and heavy REEs from the…

Development of a Steady State Model for a BG MnSO4 Process Plant Design

The project is based on our client’s request for the development of a robust Steady-State model in METSIM process simulation software for the design of Battery Grade Manganese Sulphate Process Plant. The main goal of the project was to effectively use the developed model to establish process engineering package deliverables including M&EBs of the process design.

(NAMLC) CIL Model Development – GHANA

PATFIO simulation experts have successfully developed simulation models to evaluate four different scenarios for our client’s CIL plant design project in Ghana. These scenarios are as follows:

i. NAMCL PF-Phase I Part 1 (A) – 1 Ball mill, Tailings thickener scenario
ii. NAMCL PF-Phase I Part 1 (B) – 1 Ball mill, Pre CIL Thickener scenario
iii. NAMCL PF-Phase I Part I & II (A) – 2 Ball mills, Tailings Thickener scenario
iv. NAMCL PF-Phase I Part I…