PATFIO is ready to join your project team as a contract process engineering company to assist with the various phases of project development. Having teamed with corporate engineering staffs and many EPC/EPCM firms worldwide, PATFIO is familiar with project delivery practices and the interaction required with a multi-disciplinary project team. If you’re preparing a pre-feasibility / feasibility study or commencing with design of a plant, PATFIO can provide technical expertise to ensure rapid completion of the upfront process design phase. Follow this work into commissioning to confirm plant performance meets established performance criteria.
Process Design Packages
Before undertaking detailed engineering work, project efficiency is greatly improved by fully characterizing the process to be designed. Full project definition early in the work process ensures key performance requirements for the plant are documented in a Process Design Package consisting of the following:
Process Flow Diagrams
Process Design Criteria
Process Narrative Description
Process Safety Narrative
Mass and Energy Balances
Piping & Instrumentation Diagrams
Equipment Performance Datasheets
The above are often accompanied by a steady-state and/or dynamic process model, which is provided as part of the complete package. Completion of a hazard review at this stage also ensures critical safety-related devices/systems are included in the design at the earliest phase. A Process Design Package is useful when bidding detailed engineering to ensure the project scope has been thoroughly defined.
Project Delivery Models
Our expertise includes Metallurgy, Chemical Processes, Process development, Pilot programs, Process Modeling, Mass and Energy balances, Flowsheet Review, HAZID/HAZOP Analysis.
We offer engineering and project delivery services under fixed price, reimbursable, and incentivized models.